Parent Carer Service

Are you giving support or care to your child or young person above what you would normally expect as a parent?  Your child may have additional needs, disabilities, long term illness, mental health or substance misuse problems. 

As a parent, you’re already playing a crucial caring role for your child with additional needs or disabilities.  Recognising yourself as a carer empowers you to access helpful resources and support to navigate any worries you may have, making your parenting journey even smoother.

Our Parent Carer service provides information, advice and support to parent carers across Norfolk.


We want to let you know that there will be a change in the organisation providing support for parent carers. The new provider is called Kids. They will be taking over from Carers Matter Norfolk.

From 1 May 2025, Kids will be offering support that includes:

  • Bespoke workshops and programmes designed to provide information and strategies around particular needs
  • The ‘healthy parent carer’ programme, helping support parent and carers’ resilience
  • A peer support network for parent carers
  • Coffee mornings and drop-ins
  • One-to-one support

What does this mean for you?

If you want assessment and support as a parent carer, we will need to transfer your details over to the new provider, Kids, so that they can get in touch with you after 1 May.

Action you need to take

If you are happy for your details to be transferred to the new provider, (Kids), please let us know by 14th March either via email to or via telephone to the helpline telephone number which is 0800 083 1148.

If we do not hear from you by 14th  March 2025, your contact details will not be passed on to Kids.

You can talk about support options again in future, with either your child’s allocated worker or our Community Partnerships Early Help team.

More information

If you have questions or want to talk to someone about this change and what it means for you, you can contact your child’s allocated worker or our Community Partnerships Early Help team. You can also contact our Customer Service Centre on 0344 800 8020 for support at any time.

Family Voice Norfolk

Even if you don’t think you want help now, why don’t you join Family Voice Norfolk.  They are Norfolk’s parent forum and can help you have your voice heard.  You will receive a monthly newsletter which will give updates on this service.  Join here