About Us

The Young Carers Norfolk is a partnership between Voluntary Norfolk and the Benjamin Foundation. Together we have years of experience working with carers of all ages. Together we seek to provide support to young carers and their families as well as parent carers across Norfolk.

In April 2024 the service was recommissioned with a new focus. Please read what it means for you as a young carer here.

We have a team of Triage, Education and Family Support Workers who work with schools, families and young carers to ensure the right support is put in place to remove or reduce the caring the young carer provides. Our team are also there to assist parent carers with their responsibilities.

Across Norfolk we work with our partners and schools to provide:

  • 1:1 and group support for both young carers and parent carers
  • fun activities for young carers
  • the opportunity for young carers to meet other young carers
  • signposting for parent carers to useful resources
  • career and employability advice
  • opportunities to learn new skills
  • wellbeing sessions

The service is commissioned and funded by Norfolk County Council and managed by Voluntary Norfolk. We are also proud to have signed up to Norfolk County Council’s Flourish pledge:

We are also proud to be a member of Sir Norman Lamb’s Coalition for Young People.